-There are so many great shows. And for every one of those shows, there is years of work that were put into it. This is a page that is dedicated to the best of the best. This first section is about the great's of the anime franchise. Further down the page is a listings of my favorite Game Creators and Directors. I don't have many but if there is a creator or director or other person you want to say is good, send me or EriczLink an e-mail with the text you want to put on this page. I will try to get it on the page by one month's time.
Section One: Anime
Part One: Creators
[The creator or Ranma 1/2 and Urusei Yatsura]
-This may be the best creator that Anime has ever seen. With such shows as Ranma 1/2 and Urusei Yatsura (Those Obnoxious aliens), she has made some, if not the greatest comedy's in Anime history. With two of her shows reaching the five season mark, she has shown comedy can go far. She definitely deserves a place among the best.
Naoko Takeuchi
-Called the best cartoon in the world by thousands, this show started with simple graphics and a cartoon feel. After three movies and five seasons on television, this simple "cartoon" turned into a obsession. Much like Star Wars in America, this show took off from the beginning with it's great base plot and outstanding music. From the simple story of a teenage girl to a group of twelve, different ages and backgrounds, the base goal was always the same. Save the only home left in the solar system, Earth. Who would of thought after defeating some of the strongest (and weirdest) enemy's ever seen, in the end it would be a possessed Sailor that would almost destroy them all. I think that this is one of the greatest shows ever made and the ending to the last season is the best ending to a cartoon ever. I know some of the credit goes to director and animators but without this one person, none of it would be possible. Ms. Takeuchi, you have the world's attention, what will you do next?
Part Three: Character Actors
Megumi Hayashibara
-Ranma, Lime, Rei of Neo Genesis, these characters are all so familiar. But did you know they are all one actor. This outstanding woman has been a big part in creating some of the biggest and best female characters in anime. The amazing thing about all of these characters is that they all sound so different, yet if you listen closely, there similar in form. Definitely an Innovator of Anime.
Section Two: Games
Part One: Creators
Shigeru Miyamoto
-The Creator of Mario, the Visionary of Zelda, what can I say. He has changed the gaming industry from the start. When Atari died, the video gaming industry went with it. Then Nintendo came along and with the help of this man, brought back the franchise from a dead halt to one of the most popular pass-times in the world. Now we think of video games as normal things that a lot of people have. And thanks to this man, Mario is as popular than Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny. Who would have thought a plumber could change the world. Then came his masterpiece, Zelda. Spanning now five hit games and even more on the way, Zelda has become second to only Mario. The most popular game on the NES, SNES, and N64, this game made history with it's fun puzzles and great plot. A shrewd business man and award winning director, one, if not the best director of his industry.
Part Two: Directors
-Again, Shigeru Miyamoto
For every game he makes, an award follows, and for good reason. Not only did he direct some of the first great games ever made, he also continued his great directing skills in all of his others. Having Directed almost all of the games he has created (along with doing a lot of the other things), the games he makes are credited a lot to him. I think he deserves a great place in the directors spotlight.